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férié translation in English | French-English dictionary - Reverso La famille a décidé de partir pendant le long week-end férié : The family decided to head out during the long holiday weekend : Elle veut rattraper le temps perdu avec ses amis pendant le week-end férié : She wants to catch up with her friends during the holiday weekend : La circulation était dense sur l'autoroute pendant le week-end férié : Traffic was heavy on the interstate during
Jours fériés - French Public Holidays - Lawless French Holidays In addition, when the jour férié is on a Tuesday or Thursday, the French tend to faire le pont and take off from work the Monday or Friday in between the weekend and the jour férié This results in several 4-day weekends over the course of the year These holidays are listed more or less in the order they occur during the year, but remember that the dates vary for some holidays
férié - English translation – Linguee Many translated example sentences containing "férié" – English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations